Top 5 Men's Style Blogs
Black in Style

Top 5 Men's Style Blogs

Find out which men's style blogs have made our top 5. 

Top 5 Men's Style Blogs

To help you choose from the growing number of menswear blogs, we have compiled a list of our 5 favourite men’s style sites to help you separate the wheat from the chaff.

The creator of Grey Fox Blog, David Evans, seeks to help 40+ men navigate through the youth centric world of fashion and provide advice about how to achieve advanced style. Although the blog focuses on fashion for older men, the articles published and the brands featured are ageless making it a must read men of all ages with a sartorial sense of style and a penchant for British brands.



Ideal for – The Gentleman

The direct translation on Comme Un Camion means like a truck which, according to the French, comes from the expression to be handsome as a truck. Quite why French trucks are considered handsome I’m not sure. However, boasting such unlikely lust objects as Francois Hollande and Gerard Depardieu perhaps the French paradigm for male beauty is unique to them.

This is great blog for those with varied tastes as the content published is extremely broad and covers different styles of men’s fashion from suits to street wear. The site is updated regulary and there is always something new to discover everyday.

They have recently launched a shop on the blog allowing readers to buy from their specially curated collection of accessories and clothing direct from their site.



Ideal for – The European Man is highly vivid street style blog founded by photographer, James Daniel Pryce. The site features notably dressed men from the worlds of fashion, art and culture.

Being a photographer means that all the images published are dramatic and highly engaging which makes GarconJon a must for any Instagram addict.



Ideal for – The Instagram Man

This is another site which has a large image bias. Unlike the men featured on, whose clothing taste ranges from contemporary to experimental, the outfits posted are more classic and can provide great outfit inspiration for all occasions.

You can also upload photos or your own outfits to the blog for a style examination if you’re feeling adventurous.



Ideal for – The Classic Man

This is more of an online fashion magazine than a blog but warrants inclusion in our top 5 as it’s a great place to explore all facets of men’s fashion, grooming and lifestyle and is written in an engaging and interesting way.

The site has a thorough compendium of style guides, collection reviews and street style posts as well health and fitness advice. Menswear Style also run regular competitions with brands and companies which are always worth entering.



Ideal for – The Busy Man

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